Sunday, March 11, 2007


I totally agree with his statement: ''And I eventually would conclude that I was a good teacher, that it wasn't me who was the problem but a culture of young people who were born and bred to sit back and enjoy the spectacle that engulfed them''. Most of people or students are not interested in anything. They find that professors can't be amusing because of their profession. It is a kind of disease for the most of students in Bosnia and Herzegowina to find more fun in places where you can't learn anything. It is easier to play some video games or watch TV than to read a good book. That's why our vocabulary is on a very low level.

I think his most powerful argument is :''What's more, they were conditioned by an overly nurturing, hand-holding educational system not to take responsability for their own actions.''
Many students think they have some kind of ''nanny'' who will take care of them, hold their hand and carry them through their lives.That's why professors need to give more challenges to the students and to awake their research spirit.

Sometimes,my colleagues and I have funny statements about some lessons we have to learn.We are expecting to have all prepared for our exams and we are not trying to find new literature , some new information.We are constantly talking about the improvement of our educational system,but we are doing nothing to change it.Definitely, we are passive creatures like the generation X.

''I would learn that this was a classic case of people who could dish it out, but who couldn't take it...'' Some people are giving more advices,but actually they can't get the fact that they're the ones who desperately need advice. Those people are convinced that their choice is the best possible one and they can't admit that we all do mistakes, or have some troubles.The best way to face our problem is to admit it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your response points out some of the more antagonistic quotes from the reading, and you reply to them honestly. That's good. Was there anything that he said that you DIDN'T agree with? It can make writing even more convincing and thought-provoking when you can explore your beliefs AND your doubts.